Should national parks be preserved and protected by the federal government?





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Should national parks be preserved and protected by the federal government?





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Learn More about Federal Government

A federation (from Latin: foedus, gen.: foederis, "covenant"), also known as a federal state, is a political entity characterized by a union of partially self-governing states or regions under a central (federal) government. In a federation, the self-governing status of the component states, as well as the division of power between them and the central government, are typically constitutionally entrenched and may not be altered by a unilateral decision of either party, the states or the federal political body. Alternatively, federation is a form of government in which sovereign power is formally divided between a central authority and a number of constituent regions so that each region retains some degree of control of its internal affairs.

The governmental or constitutional structure found in a federation is known as federalism. It can be considered the opposite of another system, the unitary state. Germany, with sixteen Bundesländer, is an example of a federation, whereas neighboring Austria and its Bundesländer was a unitary state with administrative divisions that became federated, and neighboring France by contrast has always been unitary.

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One of Environmental issues is with oil. Oil is going to be the prominent reason for outbreak of war between two countries in the coming times. The question has always been asked by intellectuals that why US needs to expand offshore oil drilling, when abundant resources are available in homeland. This remains a bit of mystery amongst masses. Moreover, policies are determined in such a manner that best comes out into being and no shortage of resources takes place.

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